Are you a supplier of battery-grade metal sulphates looking to move up the value chain ?
In the current battery materials supply chain the production of metal sulphates takes place separately from the manufacture of CAM precursors.

There are substantial advantages to be gained by manufacturing CAM precursor directly from metal sulphates at the same location.

- The sulphates can be used in liquid form, removing the need for an expensive crystalliser.
- Some impurities can be filtered out cheaply in the precursor wash, rather than at high cost in the hydrometallurgical step.
- Options become available for closed-loop recycling of sodium sulphate waste.
By supplying low-cost process packages for manufacturing CAM precursor to a range of output specifications, we can be your partners in helping you move beyond the production of metal sulphates to capture more of the battery materials value chain.
To find out more, please contact us by telephone, email, or using our contact form.
+33 (0)6 07 42 49 80